2021 Project - Money the Taboo Topic (GREEN_.png

One of the last taboos in society is discussing money and our personal financial habits publicly.

Money is something we all use and need, yet it is one of the few remaining topics that doesn’t get discussed as it relates to each of us personally. Too often we speak about money and whether we have it or not, how much we have or what we owe in hushed whispers.

This year we’re taking a spotlight and shining it on our personal relationships to money in hopes of ending the silence of misunderstanding why we spend money in the ways we do, the silence of guessing how to manage money, the silent judgement of ourselves and others, and learning how to have healthy relationships to money and spending.

We’re removing the shame from debt and past financial decisions that are now looked on with regret.

Some of the questions we’ll attempt to answer and perspectives we’ll re-frame are:

Why is it considered impolite to discuss personal finances in public?

Why don’t parents discuss their incomes and family spending habits and debt with their children?

Do we subconsciously pass on incorrect information about personal finances?

Do we sabotage ourselves by not speaking openly about the challenges we face in reaching financial goals?

How to Get Involved

Follow and engage on social media where we’ll ask a question of the week twice a month.

Join our special Facebook group where we’ll take a deep dive into our personal relationships with money and have guest psychologists talk through and give tips on how to change our emotional connections to money.